Architecture and the building process are a team effort.

The project stage is something personal enriched by the contribution of peers and other professionals.

Welcome to Alberto Corral Studio

Functionalism and rationality. From tradition to innovation.

Architects must design practical, flexible and welcoming spaces that responding to all kinds of needs.

All the relationships built and activities carried out by people take place almost entirely in architectural and urban spaces.

About me.

My office is located in the city of La Coruña (Spain). I was trained at the E.T.S.A. La Coruña , graduating in 1991. During my student years I traveled by train throughout Europe, absorbing a variety of influences along the way, with an emphasis on Nordic architecture. I used this opportunity to work for various architecture firms . In the summer of 1985, I worked at the London-based studio ” ISER Architects ” specializing in the design of large hospitals. And in the summers of 1986 and 1987 in Stadsbyggnadskontoret, the planning office in Gothenburg (Sweden). I have maintained a very close relationship with Finland , learning from the nature and from the practical and sensible way things are done there. During my career I have tried to make the most of the particular circumstances of every project. Each work is a chance to create something new . I try to learn from the people I work with, both in the studio and on-site. I have always had a special interest in the relationship between architecture and nature. I worry about issues like building in a logical way using the materials and possibilities provided by the current technologies., and also the way the configuration of urban spaces can influence and help the coexistence and freedom of the individuals. Freedom, choice, rationality and creative power is what makes us human. Architecture is not just my job, but a way of life, my true passion! I am not looking for perfection, just try to do my very best in every project. I truly believe in the usefulness and social value of architecture.

Work philosophy

Architects must have not only an overview of the project, but also of the society demanding a work. Only by thinking and questioning things can you improve your work and respond appropriately to each particular circumstance. Architecture and the building process are a team effort . The stage is a personal project that is enriched by the contribution of other peers and professionals . The whole process of projecting aims to meet the needs of individuals or institutions. Architects have to create an environment tackling all the technical and activity-related demands. We must not create new problems, but provide solutions. This effort of reflection is the responsibility and the greatest contribution that architects can make to people or institutions who trust them. My understanding of architecture makes me project always according to a methodology based on rationality. Reason makes it possible to control and understand one’s own feelings, since feelings are pure reason . It is the responsibility of the architect, with the help of other colleagues, to keep the building process under control. On our works , shapes emerge guided by their function. And by function we mean not only an activity to carry out, but any constraint to be considered, such as a landscape, the topography, atmosphere or any unusual customer characteristic. Experience and creativity are the tools to meet all the constraints. Of course, the pursuit of beauty is also something functional. I have a particular preference for simplicity and use only the fair and necessary items.


– Architecture Magazine OBRADOIRO 19. September1991. First Prize at the Ideas Competition for the management of the margins of Nervion river in Llodio. Authors: Álvarez Vicente, José Luis – Conde García, Jesús – Corral Corral, Alberto – Di Felice Vázquez, Mario – Núñez Ares, José Ángel – Architecture Magazine OBRADOIRO 20. February 1992. Runner-up at the Draft project Competition for the Faculty of Civil Engineering. A Coruña Campus. Authors: Álvarez Vicente, José Luis – Conde García, Jesús – Corral Corral, Alberto – Di Felice Vázquez, Mario – – Architecture Magazine OBRADOIRO 27. September 1998. First Prize at the Ideas Competition “Public space, family and housing.” Authors: Di Felice Vázquez, Mario – Corral Corral, Alberto – Architecture Magazine OBRADOIRO 27. September 1998. First Prize at the Proposal Competition for soccer fields for the different municipalities within the province. Authors: Di Felice Vázquez, Mario – Corral Corral, Alberto – HABITANIA Magazine 48. January 2005. Rehabilitation of the Old semaphore station at Estaca de Bares. Author: Corral Corral, Alberto – LA VOZ DE GALICIA Journal. Secret guide 12/07/03. Rehabilitation of the Old semaphore station at Estaca de Bares. Book Monfero Ideas. 2006. Finalist at the Ideas Competition for the rehabilitation of Monfero Monastery. Authors: Autores: Corral Corral, Alberto – Fernández Puentes, Iago – García Temes, Raimundo – Ramos Rodríguez, Víctor


– Ana Couceiro, Pablo and Carlos Vara Reboredo as surveyors. – Eugenio Viñas Novoa and Raquel Castro Pardo as 3D artists and computer consultants. – Julio López Mouriño, Raimundo García Temes, Victor Ramos Rodríguez, Iago Fernandez Puentes, Alejandro Borrajo Real, Manuel Martinez and Ramon Cuervo Blanco Fanego Have also worked in the studio while studying at the ETSAC.

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